We will accept applications from groups and organisations that are led by and develop cultural activities and projects for Wales’s Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities. We will also accept applications from community groups and organisations whose clientele are primarily Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people.

Small Grant – Community groups, including unincorporated groups can apply for funding up to £1,000. This grant can be spent on either capital or revenue expenditure. To help us share the funding between as many groups as possible aim to spend 70% of your budget on Revenue costs and 30% on Capital (more details below).

Capital Grant – constituted not for profit organisations including charities and community interest companies can apply for funding up to £15,000 for capital expenditure.

It is important that you only apply for the funding that you need to complete your project.

Revenue usually means day to day running costs or materials you use in your project (not on things you can keep using after the project has ended)

Typical revenue costs may include:

  • Staff costs involved in running the project, and/or payment of participants, organisers, or volunteer costs.
  • Costs of premises hire, transport, and expenses for those involved in the project.
  • Event related costs and insurance. Costs of materials used in the project including promotional materials.

Capital usually means something that will still benefit the group even after the project has finished (Equipment or tools you can carry on using).

Typical capital costs may include:

  • The purchase of equipment e.g. Cameras, microphones, musical instruments
  • Purchase of digital software and infrastructure e.g. Laptops / computers
  • Exhibition build costs

The Welsh Government’s Culture Grant Scheme for Grassroot Organisations is in place to support a range of projects and groups that reflect the cultural diversity of Wales’s communities including, but not exclusive to visual art, community art, dance, carnival, festivals, performance, literature, and music.

Funding cannot be spent on activities that take place outside Wales.

Commercial activities will not be supported, and the grant will not fund generic or mass fundraising appeals.

Except for partnership projects and as described in your application form, funds cannot be passed on to other organisations and will not fund investments.

If you are successful with a Capital Grant, this can only be spent on capital expenditure.

We especially encourage applications from groups and organisations that have not previously applied or were unsuccessful in the previous funding round. If a group or organisation has previously received funding through the Culture Grant Scheme for Grassroots Organisations, new applications must propose a distinct new activity or clearly demonstrate how they are genuinely adding value to the previous funded project.

Applications for Small Grants and Capital Grants will need to be submitted by 9am on Monday 18th March 2024.

Grant decisions will be announced late April. Please do not begin your project until you have had the outcome of your grant application.

Projects will need to finish by 31 December 2024.

An independent grant panel will make decisions on which projects are successful and will consider the purpose and aims of the applicant group, what your group wants to achieve and how you will do it and the impact that your project will have on your target community or audience. The panel will be looking for applications that are well thought out and are properly costed.

Please find all the details you need in the grant information sheets on our website – Click Here.

For further queries and support in your application please contact us at grants@diverse.cymru or call 029 2036 8888 Option 3.