The Culture Grant Scheme is now closed to new applications – we expect to notify groups of the outcomes of their applications by the end of April 2024.
The Welsh Government’s Culture Grant Scheme for Grassroot Organisations is one of a range of activities taking place that will support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, including people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, having equitable access to and involvement in cultural activities across Wales.
Welsh Government has outlined its commitments and initiative on race equality, published in June 2022 in the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan. The Plan outlined Welsh Government’s vision to become an anti-racist nation by 2030 and set out key priority goals and actions for eleven policy areas including for Culture, Heritage and Sport.
As part of those goals and actions this grant, managed by Diverse Cymru, seeks to support Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people, including people from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities, to develop cultural and creative activities across Wales and can support single year or multi-year projects up to December 2024.
What projects will be supported?
We want to support a range of projects and groups that reflect the diversity of Wales’s communities including, but not exclusive to visual art, community art, dance, carnival, festivals, performance, literature, and music.
Grant details
Two types of grant were available in the second round which closed at 9am on 18th March 2024.
Small Grant
Funding up to £1,000 is available to support projects led by grassroot groups. Your group does not need to have a formal structure. All community groups that meet the criteria in the Information Sheet can apply.
This grant can be used to fund capital expenditure such as equipment as well as revenue expenditure such as venue hire, volunteers, or freelance staff time.
Capital Grant
Funding up to £15,000 is available to support capital projects delivered by constituted not for profit organisations including charities and community interest companies.
The grant can only be spent on capital expenditure. Capital projects are categorised as projects which create or purchase assets or support the significant redevelopment of existing assets to enable you to continue to sustain current cultural activities or create new ones.
Typical capital costs may include:
- The purchase of equipment to enable cultural activities e.g. musical instruments, cameras, or microphones
- Purchase of digital equipment to enable cultural activities e.g computers or smartphones
- Building projects to facilitate cultural activities eg. Staging or performance space
- Exhibition build costs
Applications for both the Small Grants and Capital Only Grants closed at 9am on Monday 18th March.
Decisions will be made by an independent grant panel. We expect to notify groups of an outcome at the end of April and that projects should be ready to begin immediately. Projects will need to end by 31 December 2024.
For more information
Each grant (Small or Capital grant) has its own information sheet and application form that will give you further information on the which groups are eligible and what the grant can be used on.
Please click the links here to access the Information Sheets
Small Grant Information Sheet
Capital Grant Information Sheet
Please note, you can download these forms and information sheets in Welsh by either changing the language to Welsh at the top right of the page or by clicking here.
Please also see our Frequently Asked Questions for more information
Privacy Notice
To find out how we will handle any personal data you provide in relation to your grant application or request for grant funding, please see our Privacy Statement
For any other information about the scheme, please email us at grants@diverse.cymru