Discrimination and the Equality Act
The Equality Act 2010 is concerned with 7 different types of discrimination. These are: Direct [...]
The Protected Characteristics
Under the Equality Act 2010, it is against the law to discriminate against someone because of a protected characteristic. [...]
Sexual Orientation – The Protected Characteristics
ONS’ most recent data on sexual orientation found that the proportion of the population in Wales that identify as lesbian, gay [...]
Sex – The Protected Characteristics
The 2014 Office for National Statistics (ONS) population data[1] shows that there are 3.1 million individuals living in Wales. Stats [...]
Religion or Belief – The Protected Characteristics
All the major world religions are represented across Wales today. Many of which have been long established in Wales [...]
Race – The Protected Characteristics
The Facts In 2019, it was found that there was an estimated 169,400 people from Black, Asian and minority ethnic groups [...]
Pregnancy and Maternity – The Protected Characteristics
The Facts Research from the Department of Business, Innovation and Skills (BIS) and the Equality and Human Rights Commission has [...]
Marriage and Civil Partnership – The Protected Characteristics
In the Office of National Statistics’ most recent bulletin on marriage, it was found that there were 249,793 marriages in England [...]
Gender Reassignment – The Protected Characteristics
The Facts- Terminology Biological sex is assigned at birth, depending on the appearance of the genitals. Gender identity is the gender that a [...]
Disability – The Protected Characteristics
The Facts It is true that most of us will suffer ill health at some stage during our lives. However, [...]
Age – The Protected Characteristics
The Facts Stats Wales found that in July 2018, out of a population of 3,138,631 people, 562,709 people in [...]
Understanding Depression (Arabic)
ان االنخراط فى ادارة الذات تبدأ من قبول المسؤولية عن نفسك وصحتك. ولكثير من الناس يعنى ذلك إدراكهم أنهم سيجنون مكاسب .
Understanding Depression (Somali)
Xanuunkani waxa uu wadankan UK saameyn ku yeeshaa sadexdii qoysba hal qoys
Understanding Depression (Farsi)
These illnesses affect one in three families in the UK.
Understanding and Treating Depression
These illnesses affect one in three families in the UK.
Some Early Signs of Dementia (Bengali)
Some Early Signs of Dementia Leaflet (Bengali)
Some Early Signs of Dementia (Hindi)
Some Early Signs of Dementia Leaflet (Hindi)
Some Early Signs of Dementia (Cymraeg)
Some Early Signs of Dementia Leaflet (Cymraeg)
Some early signs of dementia
A leaflet explaining some early signs of Dementia.
Wrth imi Gerdded y Filltir Olaf
Casgliad o gyfweliadau yw’r Adroddiad hwn, gyda theuluoedd a all dystio drwy brofiad yr effaith ddinistriol y mae dementia’n ei gael ar eu teuluoedd
As I Walk the Last Mile of the Way Report
This Report is a collection of interviews from families who have borne witness to and experienced the devastating impact that dementia has on their families.
Dementia Issues concerning Black and Minoritised Ethnic Communities Leaflet
Dementia Issues concerning Black and Minoritised Ethnic Communities Leaflet
Dewch inni Drafod Dementia – Diwedd ar y Stigma (Cymraeg)
Adroddiad ar Ddigwyddiad Dementia BAME Diverse Cymru a gynhaliwyd 19 Medi 2019 Cynnwys
Let’s Talk about Dementia – End the Stigma Report
A report on Diverse Cymru’s BAME Dementia Event held on 19 September 2019
Multi-faith Practices and Cultural Competency
Spirituality, Religion and Faith Overview - Fact Sheet
Cultural Competency Toolkit
A Practical Guide for Mental Health professionals, other professionals and front-line staff working within the Mental Health, Health and Social Care sector in Wales.
The 9 Protected Characteristics
The 9 Protected Characteristics as defined within the Equality Act (2010)
Connecting with People
A guide by the Co-Creating Healthy Change Project at Diverse Cymru.
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2019-2020
Diverse Cymru's Annual Report - 2019-20
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2018-2019
Diverse Cymru's Annual Report 2018-19
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2017-2018
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2017-18
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2015-2016
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2015-16
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2014-2015
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2014-15
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2013-2014
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2013-2014
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2012-2013
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2012-2013
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2011-2012
Diverse Cymru Annual Report 2011-2012
Manifesto for a Fair and Equal Wales (Cymraeg)
Manifesto for a Fair and Equal Wales (pdf)
Manifesto for a Fair and Equal Wales (word)