The Equality Act 2010 is concerned with 7 different types of discrimination.

These are:

Direct discrimination – where someone is treated less favourably than another person because of a protected characteristic.

Associative discrimination – this is direct discrimination against someone because they are associated with another person who possesses a protected characteristic.

Discrimination by perception – this is direct discrimination against someone because others think that they possess a particular protected characteristic. They do not necessarily have to possess the characteristic, just be perceived to.

Indirect discrimination – this can occur when you have a rule or policy that applies to everyone but disadvantages a person with a particular protected characteristic.

Harassment – this is behaviour that is deemed offensive by the recipient. Employees can now complain of the behaviour they find offensive even if it is not directed at them.

Harassment by a third party – employers are potentially liable for the harassment of their staff or customers by people they don’t themselves employ, i.e. a contractor.

Victimisation – this occurs when someone is treated badly because they have made or supported a complaint or grievance under this legislation.

Find out more about the equality act.