Our aims, ideals and services are all based around empowering and uplifting the voices of people facing inequality across Wales.

Have your say and help us keep our work true to this principle and true to the needs of our service users.
Join us in influencing organisations to do better, and work harder to tackle inequality in Wales.
Get involved – Engagement Events
None currently!
We mean anyone with one or more protected characteristics under the Equality Act 2010 or who experience discrimination and disadvantage in society. This includes:
- Black, Asian and Minoritised Ethnic people
- People who are ethnically and culturally diverse
- People of colour
- People who experience racism
- Gypsies, Roma and Travellers
- Asylum Seekers and Refugees
- Disabled people. This includes:
- People with mobility impairments. For example, wheelchair users or people with health conditions that affect walking.
- People with sensory impairments. For example, Blind, Deaf, or hearing-impaired people.
- People with learning impairments / disabilities. For example, autistic and neuro-diverse people or people with dyslexia, dyspraxia, or Downs Syndrome.
- People with cognitive impairments. For example, people with dementia or hydrocephalus.
- People with mental ill health, or people who experience emotional distress. For example, people who experience anxiety, people who have depression, or people with schizophrenia
- People with long-term health conditions. For example, HIV, diabetes or MS.
- Lesbian, Gay and Bi people
- Older people over 50
- Young people under 25
- People who are pregnant or have recently given birth
- People with different religions and beliefs and no religion or belief
- Carers (people who provide unpaid care or support to a friend or family member)
- Women and men
- Intersex people
- Trans and non-binary people
- And people from different socio-economic groups or classes
Diverse Cymru are looking for people’s experiences and stories to help support our work to improve services, policy and practice throughout Wales. If you have a story to tell, whether you’ve had a good or a bad experience or if you think something could have been done better, let us know about it. As we collect these stories, which can be anonymised if you would like, we can use them to let services like those below know how they can improve and be more responsive to the needs of people, particularly across the protected characteristics.
- Healthcare
- Mental Health Services
- Social Care
- Wellbeing
- Welfare and Benefits
- Poverty
- Social Exclusion
- Equality and Human Rights
- Hate Crime and Community Safety
- Education
- Employment
You can send us your experiences:
Or by post:
Have Your Say
Diverse Cymru,
96-98 Neville Street,
CF11 6LS
Join the Equality and Human Rights Network
This network – run in partnership with Race Equality First and Diverse Cymru – is open to any third sector organisation working in Cardiff on any area of Equality and Human Rights.
We welcome new members.
Members can feed in views of people from disadvantaged communities and people facing discrimination in all areas of Cardiff.
The network discusses important Equality and Human Rights issues to change legislation, policy and practice together and make a difference to people’s lives.
We meet quarterly. Meetings include opportunities to:
- Feed in stories, experiences and views from your service users and citizens on equality and human rights issues
- Work together to jointly respond to key consultations and other opportunities to influence
- Plan and run awareness raising campaigns and other work together
- Take joint action to tackle inequalities
- Share information on your events, campaigns, projects and work with other organisations
Between meetings we share these stories, information and joint work by email.
To join the network email Thoria at thoria.m@c3sc.org.uk or call (029) 2048 5722.
Please let other community groups or organisations you work with know about the network.
Diverse Cymru engages with both Local and National Government and the public sector on the issues that are most important in promoting equality across Wales, particularly where these issues effect people who would fall under one or more of the protected characteristics, by developing policy positions and offering practical recommendations.
Part of this process involves responding strategically to Welsh Government consultations that will have the biggest impact on people affected by inequality across the nation. Unfortunately, and although we share the details of these current consultations with our supporters, there are often too many being undertaken simultaneously for us to be able to provide a comprehensive response in every case. If you have an interest in giving your views on consultations around:
- Healthcare
- Mental Health services
- Social care
- Welfare and benefits
- Poverty
- Social exclusion
- Equality
- Well-being
- Hate crime and community safety
- Education
- Employment
Please let us know by email: ele.hicks@diverse.cymru
Or by post:
Have Your Say
Diverse Cymru,
96-98 Neville Street,
CF11 6LS
If you would like to get more involved you can help us respond to consultations, gather other people’s views and research reports and available evidence by applying to be a volunteer with the Policy and Public Affairs Team.
Diverse Cymru briefing papers on issues and solutions with recommendations based on engagement with diverse communities. Read our responses to consultations, inquiries and other calls for evidence.
Diverse Cymru gathered the views of diverse communities in Cardiff about Communities First and ways forward to tackle poverty.
Views from this focus group have been used to develop a briefing paper and recommendations.
You can read the rest of our consultation responses on our Media Page.