Research into challenges faced by Black, Asian, & Minority Ethnic people in sports in Wales.
Hayley Davies2024-01-12T14:28:22+00:00Diverse Cymru is conducting a focus group to gain insights into the experiences, challenges, and barriers faced by Black, Asian, and Minority Ethnic individuals in the realm of sports and physical activities in Wales.
Taith International Exchange Programme
Hayley Davies2023-10-18T11:06:02+01:00Diverse Cymru are very pleased to be the Taith Champion organisation for the adult education sector in Wales. The Pathway 2 funding opportunity is now open and closes on 30th November.
Audit of All-Wales NHS Workforce Policies through an Anti-racist Lens
Hayley Davies2023-03-31T15:29:14+01:00Diverse Cymru have been commissioned by Welsh Government and NHS Wales to carry out an audit of the All-Wales NHS Workforce Policies through an Anti-racist lens. This work was identified as a priority action in the Anti-racist Wales Action Plan.