Time to Talk Dementia

Every 3 seconds, someone in the world develops dementia.

Dementia is not equal. Dementia is the second biggest killer in the UK after COVID-19 yet Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people are more likely to develop certain dementias than white ethnic groups. .

Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people are also less likely to get diagnosed, to get support and remain under-represented in dementia research.

By 2051, there is expected to be a seven-fold increase in the number of Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people with dementia compared to just over a two-fold increase in the numbers of people with dementia across the whole UK population.

It’s time to talk dementia. Let’s know the signs, break down the stigma surrounding dementia and ensure everyone can access culturally appropriate care.

End the stigma
  • Dementia is not a natural part of ageing
  • It is not hereditary or contagious
  • Don’t ignore what is happening and put the signs down to ‘old age’. Tell your doctor.

Read more about dementia issues concerning Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people here.

Do any of the following sound familiar? Are they happening more frequently?

  1. Memory loss affecting day-to-day abilities that you, your family and friends are noticing
  2. Getting lost easily in places that you would normally know
  3. Difficulty performing familiar tasks – such as dressing, making a cup of tea
  4. Problems with language – not always finding the right words
  5. Uncertainty about time and space – when things happened and where they took place
  6. Impaired/reduced judgment – for example, not understanding that you mustn’t wear shorts and a vest in very cold weather
  7. Problems with trying to make sense of sentences or follow a film/programme
  8. Misplacing things – maybe your keys, glasses, purse or wallet – are you putting them in the fridge or oven for example
  9. Changes in mood and behaviour
  10. Changes in personality – Loss of interest in things that you normally enjoy or love to do

Download guidance here or here for Cymraeg.

After dealing with his wife’s declining condition over time, Owen Darnell wrote a poignant poem about their experience:


‘Do Not Ask Me to Remember’ by Owen Darnell


Do not ask me to remember,

Don’t try to make me understand,

Let me rest and know you’re with me,

Kiss my cheek and hold my hand.

I’m confused beyond your concept,

I am sad and sick and lost.

All I know is that I need you

To be with me at all cost.

Do not lose your patience with me,

Do not scold or curse or cry.

I can’t help the way I’m acting,

Can’t be different though I try.

Just remember that I need you,

That the best of me is gone,

Please don’t fail to stand beside me,

Love me ’til my life is done.


‘A Caregiver’s Response’ by the late Albert Reinsch Sr

In response to ‘Do Not Ask Me to Remember’ by Owen Darnell


I shall do my best beloved,

To do all you’ve asked of me.

When I fail you must forgive me,

For where you are I cannot see.

What I know is that I love you,

More than the world can ever know.

Yet, so often I fail to show it,

I’m so ashamed that this be so.

Please forgive me for my failings,

It is not for lack of trying.

I know you need me to be strong,

But it’s so hard when I am crying.

I, too, need you so much my darling,

Until we’re renewed in heaven above.

Your smiles reward and give me courage,

Our hugs and kisses seal our love.

As I Walk the Last Mile of the Way: African, African Caribbean, Asian and Minority Ethnic families living with Dementia

Wrth imi Gerdded y Filltir Olaf: Teuluoedd Affricanaidd, Affricanaidd Caribïaidd, Asiaidd a Lleiafrifoedd Ethnig sy’n byw gyda Dementia

Leave No-one Behind: Improving pathways to dementia information, early assessment, and support for older people from minoritised and racialised backgrounds in Wales