We’re delighted to announce that we’ve been awarded Race & Ethnicity Champion / Initiative/ Campaign of the year in the WalesOnline Diversity & Inclusion Awards 2022.

Sion Barry, Business Editor of Media Wales, declared Diverse Cymru “real changemakers on behalf of many throughout Wales.”

The award celebrates our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Cultural Competence Certification Scheme which seeks to improve mental health service outcomes for people in Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic communities in Wales by examining how unconscious bias can lead to unequal treatment and encouraging the development of cultural competence.

Dr Charles Willie, Project Advisor and Assessor for the Scheme said winning the award will ensure “more health practitioners, public, private and third sector bodies are aware of (our scheme) and will join us to ensure Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic people will be able to access and receive cultural competent person centred care.”

Find out more about our Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic Cultural Competence Certification Scheme by contacting Suzanne – suzanne.duval@diverse.cymru.

Read more about the awards.