Diverse Cymru is calling on all political parties and candidates to put equality for all and human rights at the heart of the 2021 Welsh Parliament election.

Find the candidate pledge here.

The current Coronavirus pandemic has highlighted inequalities that exist in Wales. The disproportionate impacts on Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, disabled, and older people are clearly evidenced and concerning. Younger people are experiencing higher levels of unemployment, carers and women are facing additional challenges. Communities that face barriers to accessing services and who experience poorer mental health are facing additional barriers. These include disabled, Black, Asian and Minority Ethnic, older, and LGBT people. There is a need for the strong leadership to promote equality for all and celebrate diversity. We cannot return to business as usual, which entrenches inequalities. We must build back better and take this opportunity to radically reform policies and practice in Wales to advance equality for everyone in Wales.

Ele Hicks, Policy Manager for Diverse Cymru said:

“The inequalities highlighted during the COVID-19 pandemic must be lessons learnt moving forward, mental health has always been the poor cousin of physical health, and social care has always been the poor cousin of health care. The system needs to work together to consider individuals as a whole, and address all the barriers and issues they are facing. Services need to be thinking about people, not the process.

“Improving the lives of people in Wales is the business of everyone in the Senedd. With the Welsh Parliament election this year Diverse Cymru is asking politicians to reflect on how they can create a fair and equal Wales. We call on them to genuinely engage with people to understand the barriers people are facing, so that there’s a diversity of voices reflected in decisions made by government. For this to happen there needs to be a shift towards thinking about impacts over procedures. Getting things right involves coproduction, including people in the planning from the beginning, so that our systems reflect people’s lived experiences and individual needs are met, rather than consulting at the end, so people don’t feel they have to fit into a tick box exercise where they are excluded if they are ‘other’.”

We hosted 2 Election Hustings with political candidates – to talk about a Fair and Equal Wales for all. Videos contain BSL interpretation throughout. 

In the first video we have:
– Elin Walker Jones, Plaid Cymru candidate for Clwyd West, and third on the North Wales regional list,
– Leena Farhat, Welsh Lib Dem candidate for Clwyd South,
– Megan Lloyd, Welsh Green Party first candidate on South Wales West Regional List,
– Ruba Sivagnanam, candidate for South Wales Central.

You can find that here:

In the second video we have:
– Mia Rees, Welsh Conservatives candidate for Cynon Valley and South Wales Central Regional List.

You can find that here:

Diverse Cymru’s ‘Manifesto for a fair and equal Wales’ calls for action in 6 key areas:

  1. Enshrine human rights and equality for all in Welsh law, policy and action
  2. Health and social care must provide an integrated, seamless service, which actively recognises and accounts for each individual’s views, wishes, and circumstances
  3. Build back better as we recover from COVID-19
  4. All transport must be accessible, safe, and inclusive
  5. All information must be accessible and inclusive
  6. Positive action for increased representation of all under-represented groups and involvement of diverse people

You can read the full English language Manifesto here (in word and pdf) and it’s also available in Welsh here: Maniffesto. Join in and show your support on social media using #FairAndEqualWales21 or #CymruDegAChydradd21